HORSE provides European funding to SMEs and large industrial companies to make production (particularly with small lot sizes) more cost-efficient, flexible, rapid and competitive. In many cases, the implementation of robotics technology will also have beneficial social effects, for instance on the health of the workers. A special focus will be given to those situations in production where a fenceless cooperation between a human worker and a robot assistant is required to upgrade the production process. The funding (up to 200,000 € per use case) will be allocated to solve well-defined, selected, real manufacturing problems. In total up to 10 use cases can qualify for funding. Applicants can be involved in more than one use case, but the maximum funding per partner is limited to 150,000 €.
We will organize a workshop on 15th April, 2016 to interface with SMEs and mid-caps in Slovenia about the opportunities offered by HORSE to strengthen the industrial platform of Slovenia. Questionnaire will be explained in detail at the workshop and we ask you to complete this online questionnaire by 29th April, 2016.
Please take a couple of minutes to complete this anonymous survey. Your information is very valuable to us!
Thank you very much for your support!
If you have any questions regarding this survey please contact